Sunday, March 24, 2013



 Growing up people always told me that the best athletes, dancers, and artists are the biggest head cases of them all. I would laugh it off and think "no, it's JUST me." But I've come to realize how true this statement is. My raceblock kept me from running; I psyched myself out and competed with the me in the mirror. I feel like, as a runner, it's so easy to get stuck in our heads and those who are super competitive- not just with ourselves but with others... but mostly with ourselves-- get the worst of it.  If I had a quarter for every time I talked myself out of training runs and then with the 8 years I didn't race or run regularly... I could have easily paid for any of the #RunDisney events; probably two. And the flights to get there. 

So what does this have to do with my St. Patricks Day race? Well. Everything. Not only did I have to have others talk me into registering for the race AFTER I was asked to join a team of seriously legit runners, but even leading up to the morning of, I was struggling.  The awesome people I have in my life kept reminding me that I was asked to be part of that team because they wanted me to run with them, they had confidence in me, they chose me.

This race wasn't the most competitive race (for my team)-- we kind of won the entire Relay Marathon by 25 minutes or something along those lines-- but I was still so competitive with myself and couldn't get the positive thoughts to stick. I really didn't want to let myself or others down-- the standards I hold myself to are a little ridiculous--and I was being silly by stressing over the dumbest things. The biggest worry was about my knee locking up and my feet struggling even though I knew that KT Tape was my answer for that. Yes, KT Tape. I can honestly say that without KT Tape, I wouldn't be where I am with my running. 
KT Taping! 

The drive to the park was probably the worst. I wanted to cry. And I did. Tears fell as I was driving. I have no idea why. I just did. I was a head case. And almost turned my car around. But I didn't. I parked. H happened to arrive around the time that one of my teammates had. I got my stuff out of the trunk walked over the bridge. Picked up my race packet. And started the last bit of my race prep.

The Race: 
My knee was taped.
My feet and toes were taped. 
My bib was on.
My shoes were laced.
My legs were warmed up. 
I was ready to go.

The 1st Runner of my team! In his baller hat.. 

I was set to run the 3rd leg of the relay. 
The format of the race had the first lap at 1.75 miles and the following 3 were 1.6 miles. 
Lap #1: 11:58:8
Lap #2: 11:11:1
Lap #3: 11:31:5
Lap #4: 11:33:7

So about that. 
Halfway through the first lap I relaxed.
I realized I was passing everyone and no one was lapping me. 
Kind of an awesome feeling. It was definitely the boost I needed. 

Unfortunately, a friend of mine was going to join me at the race but wasn't able to but I still received constant texts reminding me to relax, have fun, stretch, stay loose, hydrate, etc. all the things I actually ALWAYS forget to do. 

Second lap? Still passing people. Third lap? Still no passing... Fourth? Not a single person on our team was "lapped" during the entire race. We had a blast! Yeah, ok... most people at the race were just hanging out, running/walking their lap... but we had fun killing ours! Racing puts together what we do every day of the week. As one of my teammates put it races are our tests. We study and prepare throughout the week for our tests. Races are our tests. We put into our races as much as we prepared. And then we ace them.

Baton Exchange Priorities: Star/Stop Nike+ Watches... 
The cool thing about the format of this race is that it felt like a swimmeet to me. Something that I grew up doing. You do your event. Take a break and wait for the next one to come up. Just like this race. I think it was during the first lap when I realized how similar this race was to a swimmeet, which also helped me relax because swimmeets are normal to me. AND! My knee didn't lock up until the final lap and my feet didn't give me any trouble! (Thanks KT Tape!)

 Hopefully I'll be around Charlotte next year to run the race with those guys again! If we break our own record, there's apparently be a cash prize involved.... OBVIOUSLY I'm down! 
MY TEAM! Run For Your Life! 

Now to plan my next races! I might have a trail 5k coming up next weekend! It's a small race. Looks like it will only have about 200 participants but should be a good time! I won't be going for a PR but I plan to turn it up..

INFO: The race was the ShamRockin' Relay put on by Trivium Racing (it's their first year and you should absolutely check out their races! They also have a Glow in the Park 5k race series!! 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

RACE #1 RECAP: Why I stopped racing.

After nearly 8 years, I finally raced again. It's been so long that it's hard for me to remember all the details of what happened that day. It was Fall of 2005, my Junior Year in high school, and I had been dealing with a strange back issue where the thoracic area of my spine was hyperflexible. No matter what I did back then: I was always uncomfortable. Aside from regular visits to the chiropractor and heat/ice, there was little they could do to help the pain but being the stubborn Smash that I am, I kept pushing through until that last race.

That was when everything changed. It was early in the Cross Country season so it was still hot and humid in North Carolina. I had been feeling "better" at that point but looking back I think I had stopped listening to my body telling me to take it easy because I wanted to be able to run and was so tired of the pain. So I went for it. And I went hard. I was toward the front of the pack, close to the lead when things went down hill. I want to say it was after the 1st mile mark of the 5k, just before the 2nd when I started to feel funky. My eyes were doing things, I became super winded, and well I'd boarded the struggle bus. It was just after the 2nd mile marker (from what I remember) when I took myself out of the race. I knew something was wrong when black dots were becoming larger and I'm pretty sure trees were spinning around me. It was a nightmare come to life. When I pulled myself off the course I realized I wasn't really breathing. My back was screaming. Oh, and they tried to cut my lucky sports bra off when I went closed my eyes and went silent as I tried to pull myself together. At that point, I shot up and pushed people away from me. There was NO way in hell that anyone was going to cut anything off me, especially not my lucky sports bra!

After that, I don't remember running a race again. I might have but I can honestly say I don't remember any. I created a block in my mind. Psyched myself out of running. I just stopped. I wouldn't do distance anymore. I look back now and think how silly and want to say stupid I was for letting that one race make me quit something I'd been doing since my first steps as a 9 month old: RUNNING.


Back in December I decided I was going to take a trip to California to see one of my best friends. I also decided that I was going to run a race while I was out there. Once we finalized the dates, myself and Jess (one of my favorite followers on Tumblr) picked the Timberwolf 5k to run. I was really excited to plan out this run with someone. Why? Because I wouldn't be able to chicken out the morning of (like I've done several times in the past year...)

My goal for the race was to run at least a 22:00. I know I can do faster, and I've done faster but the hip issue that I've been working through lately had me on #GimpStatus and I wasn't sure how well I was going to do. I placed first in my age group (19-24) and I ran a 22:02. THOSE 2 SECONDS DRIVE ME NUTS! The course is a USATF Certified course. Oh hai rankings..... The race itself felt awful to me. I didn't have my gum, this felt off, that felt bad but I finished! We finished.

What's funny is how I finished the race: the same way I used to run most of my races. I'm not a front of the pack kind of girl for the start of a race. I don't know I'm doing it until I finish but in the last half mile of the race I start passing people. Things get so easy for me with that last half mile. It's like I'm floating. And I love that I raced how I used to, without even realizing I was doing it. I am so proud of myself for finally running a race. It wasn't as good as I wanted it to be but it was close and has left me wanting more! I know what I need to work on and well definitely need to work on my finish and getting my 5k down to a 20:00 or lower! BUT GUYS! SMASH IS BACKKKKK!!!

It still baffles me that I waited so long to race again because it's clearly a part of me. Running and racing and competition is in my blood. Now, I'm still trying not to psych myself out for the next races but I'm so excited and have caught the bug!

My next race is on St. Pattys day where I'll be running with 3 sponsored male athletes in a Relay Marathon. Yes, sponsored guys: Brooks sponsored, Adidas Sponsored, Mizuno Sponsored. Me? Not sponsored. Cool guys, cool. More details on this coming soon! And maybe a photo of my sweet team gear too! (Which I haven't officially received yet but it's probably going to be purple!!)